Welcome, Baby Luke

Luke made his entrance into this world an entire month earlier than expected. As you might guess, that made him a little bit smaller then your average newborn. He was swimming in the one outfit that fit him well for photos, but it somehow made everything even cuter. Luke's family invited me into their home for this session. I love shooting sessions like this at home, because it allows everyone to feel relaxed and everything we might need is just steps away. Big brother and Dad popped in and out throughout the session, allowing for maximum toddler happiness and some quiet space to work.

In the end, this is exactly how I love home sessions to go. We get shots with the whole family, lots of one-on-one time with baby, and a realness that comes from photographing families in their own space. Luke did great during the session and barely fussed in the 90-minutes I was there. I can't wait to see updates on how this little guy and his family grow.